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I teach 2-3 year olds and they stop playing and will come to the cd player or dvd player and start signing. The parents ask about certain signs or songs that there children sing/sign and I tell them about how wonderful Signing Time is. We have a spring program and the children sang/signed Do you know the colors of the Rainbow song and it was a BIG HIT. Thank you so much, I pray that God will continue to bless you, your family and the foundation. You are great!!!
I cannot say enough great things about this program! I heard about Signing Time through a friend when my daughter was only a few months old. I started signing with her immediately, and by the time she was 8 months old, she had already begun signing. Now, she is two years old, and her verbal and signing vocabulary is enormous. She knows all of her colors, can count to 10 independently, and can recognize and name most of the alphabet. Oh yes, she also knows ALL of the signs from all of the videos! I am so excited about this program, and I recommend it to anyone who wants a fun and worthwhile activity to enjoy with their child.
My grandson (the oldest of three) has just been diagnosed with autism but we have known that he has some special needs for a while so I purchased the first four baby signing times a while ago. I just received this one in the mail and he already loves it. He has a vocabulary now and before we started at 2 1/2 he was not speaking at all. Now he signs and expects all of us to know what he is saying so the whole family is learning. Thanks so much Rachel and your entire group on your DVD. I also have the first four CDs that keep him engaged when we are in the car and the first four flash card sets and he sits on the floor and reads them like books. Your program gives me hope for my grandson. Sign me one happy Bema (grandma for those that don't speak toddlerese)
I got this DVD when my son was less than 5 months old. He will sit and wiggle with the music, he never watched any children's movies until I put his on the TV. This dvd has gotten me hooked on the collection.
My daughter Layla has really taken to learning ASL. Her Great Aunt starting teaching her baby signs at age 6 months and now at age 18 months she knows over 30 signs. She loves the Signing Time videos, she does not watch anthing else! My husband and I enjoy learning with her, the videos are great and I catch myself humming the songs! I would highly recommend to anyone even remotely interested in learning ASL! This is my daughter's favorite DVD, she loves the song about the colors of the rainbow :)
My whole family loves this DVD. We had over a month of watching just this volume. The songs are catchy and entertaining. My children were able to pick up on them very quickly. My daughter finally understood and learned her colors due to this DVD. I highly recommend this DVD!
This is another often-played volume in our house. My son loves to sign and sing "The Rainbow Song". He also loves knowing the signs for his favorite fruits. Going shopping down the produce aisle is fun as he excitedly shows off the signs for the fruits and vegetables. We all love the song "Shine" and it's wonderful to watch William sign and sing it too.
This is one of my daughters favorite volumes. She loves the rainbow song and will sing and sign it constantly.
My Daughter too! She sings it over & over & over ... we listen to the CD on the way to school and it has me smiling well past drop off!!
I have 1 through 9 DVD's and I play them for my Sunday School Class the last 15 minutes of class each Sunday. (I teach 2 & 3 year olds.) Their parents are amazed at how well and quickly they learn. Maybe the Lord is going to bring a hearing impaired child into our class, one day, that will need for us to know how to communicate by signing. I tried to take a Signing class many years ago but I didn't understand what anyone else was saying so I quit. With this wonderful program I am learning with my little ones and at 55 I understand what they are signing. I told my friend about these and she bought 1 through 3 for her grandchildren for Christmas. These are amazing and so fun for the children. Thank you for developing this great program. I am trying to teach our African Grey to sign, my husband laughs because he thinks I am expecting her to sign. Actually, I just want her to know what I am saying without talking.
I got this DVD and at the beginning my son wasn't too interested but a few days later he started asking for signing time and specifically the "colors" one (he's 2) he started signing things at the store that I didn't know, so then I had to watch it with him so I knew what he was saying! then, something so cool happened, he started asking for vegetables at the dinner table, he wanted more just so he could name them and would eat them! he's always pushed them aside but not now. Just yesterday he said "saw babies, I want saw babies" and I was like huh? so he did the sign for strawberries and I knew what he wanted! lol, it was too cute. Thanks signing time!
This is my 4 year old's favorite Vol. the words learned and the songs are just what he needs at this age. Everytime he sees colors together he sings and signs the rainbow song. It is very cute. We sign/sing this song so often that my 2 year old is learning his colors too!
I have a 2 year old that wants to watch this over and over. I am a 2 year old preschool teacher and I started teaching them the colors and The Rainbow Song and it's amazing how quick they have picked it up. My family is impressed with my daughter and how she has picked signing up so easy. Thank you so much for using your God giving gifts.