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My 18 month old LOVES this video! As soon as the "Two Hands" giggle happens he is SO excited. After watching the videos for a few months, it seems like every week he does a sign "all of a sudden" most recently "car" and "wash hands". Thank you for such fun, educational and useful! videos. ("You are very special to me" has become a bedtime song for us.) We love it. ~ CB
My 16 month old daughter LOVES this video! I had bought volumes 1 & 2 in October 2007 she was 13months after one month she was signing over 20 different signs that she learned in the video. Now she is requesting to watch it all the time baby doing the sign for baby signing time. It is so wonderful to be able to communicate with her and understand what she has to say through signing. I am a teacher and I have also incorporated the signs that I had learned in the video with my class and they too love signing. Thank you so much for this video our whole family loves it.
I have a special needs son who is almost 3 and hasn't spoken his first word yet but he LOVES Baby Signing Time and is using a few signs now to communicate. The videos even help cheer him up when he is sick or cranky. Thanks BST for helping us give our son some communication skills through a method that really engages him!
I love that the second video teaches manners and modes of transportation. My son sees other kids using the signs I had already been teaching him. Also, now when we go places like the train station or even just around town he knows the sign for things he sees. Learning signs for potty and wash hands will definitely help during potty training.
I purchase ur baby sets..and my son loves it. thank you for theses great products
I have a 2 1/2 year old son that was born deaf. I'd say 90% of the signing we've learned is from your DVD's and weekly television show (by the way, when will that be on PBS again??) He is a very energetic and busy kid and Signing Time is the only way I can get him to sit down and learn to sign. I have 2 other sons and we enjoy watching the DVD's as a family to help us learn our ASL. Your program has really helped my son communicate and become less frustrated...Thank you so much! Celeste Cragun Los Angeles, CA
Hello my name is Lisa and I am hard-of-hearing and have cp. I have a son who just turned 4 he lives with my brother and his family. Nobody in my family but myself knows how to signs and I can't teach my son because he lives in PA. and I live in N.J. I also hope my brother and his family will play the DVD for my son and who knows maybe the whole family will learn together.
<p>I have two boys. Big brother is autistic and this series has done wonders for helping him communicate. When little brother started watching, he signs everything he says and identifies everything in sight (that he recognises) and his favorite words, which used to be cookie and no, are signing time, which he also signs as he says. My wife and I HIGHLY recommend this series to everyone. I wish there was a rating for EXCELLENT!! Thank you, Rachel, Alex, and Leah!!</p>
I love the Baby Signing Time DVDs, and my 16-month old daughter loves them even more. This is the only TV she is allowed to watch, and she can't get enough of the songs and cartoons! This volume is jam-packed with signs that are useful every single day! She picked up on every single sign within a few times of watching this one. These DVDs really do encourage verbal development and less tantrums...I fully believe that because I have seen the effect on my daughter! We can't get enough of Baby Signing Time!!
I purchased your products for my granddaughter Kylie Rae. She loves them. Thank you for such a marvelous product.
It is so great to be able to communicate with your child before they can speak! I started my daughter with these movies at about 9 months. She loved it from day one! She really started picking up the signs quickly at about 17 months, she had mastered all the ones on the first Volume, so we rented vol 2 from the library and she learned all the signs in a week! Now she gets mad if I try to put vol 1 in because she already knows them all so well. I can see her hunger to learn more. We are about to start on volume 3. She loves baby signing time so much that she won't watch anything else.
I first got the baby signing time videos from the library when I was sick, to entertain my son when he was about 11 months old. He LOVES watching the videos and signs all the time. I have the entire BST collection now, and when he wants to watch the video he signs and sings "baby baby". He only watches once a day before his nap, but he retains so much! When I take him to the store- he is a signing machine ! Its cookies, crackers, bananas, apples.. on and on.. He has such an advanced vocabulary for a tot his age (almost 2 now). Thank you so much for such a great product- This volume is one of his favorites because it has cars, and airplanes. I only have one complaint- I would like to get him some signing time videos for Christmas, but its been a hard year money wise- it would be nice to see a sale for under $20 sometime.
i have to girls one is 19months an the other is 8 months.. they both love the baby signing time videos.. a friend from healthy family brought me a video to let the girls watch.. it's been 3 weeks an the both can do every sign that's in the video.. it's become so much easier to understand what they want, and not have to guess an everyone gets frustrated.. thank you so much for making my life easier..
After watching Signing Time with my sister's autistic daughter while on vacation, I came home and looked for it at the library. I found the Baby Signing Time video and my son (1yr) LOVED it - we watched it for two months almost every day. (I finally bought it, too, by the way). We have SOOOOO much fun singing the songs - he picked up the signs very quickly. By the way, the BABY Signing Time videos are not like the other Signing Time series - EVERY sign is done as part of a song (like little music videos). It's very engaging for my little one - maybe yours too!!!!
Our Daugter has learned so much in a matter of just a few weeks she has learned and can remember all but one of the signs in both baby signing time DVD I will try to put a clip on my facebook.
My son loves to watch and is steadily picking up new signs. Can't wait to buy the next ones.
Signing Time DVD's taught my wonderful autistic 3 year old to sign. He started to talk a little bit just before the age of three. He has loved watching Signing Time for months and suddenly over the last three weeks his signing has taken off! He signs all the time and plays games using signs!!! We are so excited! Thank you Rachel, Leah, and Alex for helping my little boy be confident about his communication! And for bringing lots of joy and spreading laughter and smiles across his sweet face!!!! You guys are the greatest and a bring happiness to our lives!!!!