Happy, Healthy Me
Skills, concepts and values taught in this episode:
- We can make healthy choices
- We can listen to our bodies
- We can take good care of our bodies
- We can help a friend is who is sick
- How to learn (wonder, ask, learn, share)
ASL Signs in this Episode
body - sick - healthy - sleep - brush teeth - bath - clean - soap - wash hands - drink - water - germs - strong - hungry - grow - exercise - wash hair - floss teeth - safe - take care - wonder - amazing - happy - know - remember - now - me - you - your - friend - rainbow - red - orange - yellow - green - blue - indigo - violet - dance - jump - spin - walk - run - march - bike - hike - swim - shake - freeze - kick
Original Songs
- Rachel and the TreeSchoolers
- I Wonder
- Taking Care of Me
- Scrub
- Eat a Rainbow
- Time to Sleep
- Groove with Me
- If You’re Healthy and You Know It
- The Safety Song
- Share It
Special Features
- Sign Review
- "Five Little Monkeys" from Animals on Parade
- "An Insect Has..." from Incredible Insects
- "We'll Dance for Rain" from Plants and Flowers
- A Rainy Day
How are
TreeSchoolers videos different from Signing Time videos?
- The goal of
TreeSchoolers is to teach a complete preschool curriculum. The goal of Signing Time
is to teach ASL signs.
- Both shows feature original songs by Emmy-nominated host, Rachel Coleman.
- Both shows feature ASL
signs. Signing Time completely focuses on signing. And since research shows
that signing can help preschool children learn and remember new concepts, it
was natural to include a handful of ASL signs in TreeSchoolers, too!
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